Pompes Funèbres Chapelle

Rue des Combattants, 19
6150    Anderlues (Belgium)

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Photo 841116Madame Simonne DELINMadame Simonne DELIN
of Courcelles (6180, Belgium)
+ 11/05/1927 - 23/09/2024
Photo 840707Madame Bernadette MARCHALMadame Bernadette MARCHAL
of Pont-à-Celles (6230, Belgium)
+ 09/11/1954 - 20/09/2024
Photo 839958Madame Nadine LACROIXMadame Nadine LACROIX
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 14/05/1956 - 16/09/2024
Photo 839704Monsieur Emmanuel DELRUEMonsieur Emmanuel DELRUE
of Fontaine-l'Evêque (6140, Belgium)
+ 09/09/1970 - 13/09/2024
Photo 838832Madame Mireille THEYSMadame Mireille THEYS
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 24/05/1947 - 08/09/2024
Photo 838648Monsieur Steve LEROYMonsieur Steve LEROY
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 15/12/1971 - 05/09/2024
Photo 837380Madame Raymonde SAPMadame Raymonde SAP
of Morlanwelz (7140, Belgium)
+ 07/07/1944 - 28/08/2024
Photo 837187Monsieur Fabien HUETMonsieur Fabien HUET
of Leernes (6142, Belgium)
+ 03/10/1972 - 27/08/2024
Photo 837285Monsieur Franco ROCCAMonsieur Franco ROCCA
of Forchies-la-Marche (6141, Belgium)
+ 23/02/1945 - 27/08/2024
Photo 836918Monsieur Raymond CATYMonsieur Raymond CATY
of Courcelles (6180, Belgium)
+ 24/12/1937 - 25/08/2024
Photo 836921Madame Barbara CHARDONMadame Barbara CHARDON
of Courcelles (6180, Belgium)
+ 28/05/1947 - 25/08/2024
Photo 836981Monsieur Serge LEWAITEMonsieur Serge LEWAITE
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 20/02/1959 - 25/08/2024
Photo 836092Monsieur Christian DE CALUWÉMonsieur Christian DE CALUWÉ
of Forchies-la-Marche (6141, Belgium)
+ 24/06/1955 - 17/08/2024
Photo 835927Madame Marie-Louise WERYMadame Marie-Louise WERY
of Forchies-la-Marche (6141, Belgium)
+ 06/05/1955 - 16/08/2024
Photo 835850Madame Léonce MABILLEMadame Léonce MABILLE
of Forchies-la-Marche (6141, Belgium)
+ 11/12/1947 - 15/08/2024
Photo 835339Monsieur Alain RACHARDMonsieur Alain RACHARD
of Courcelles (6180, Belgium)
+ 19/05/1953 - 12/08/2024
Photo 834877Monsieur Claude PINONMonsieur Claude PINON
of Landelies (6111, Belgium)
+ 15/05/1954 - 08/08/2024
Photo 834563Monsieur Léon GLINEURMonsieur Léon GLINEUR
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 10/04/1932 - 06/08/2024
Photo 834121Madame Agnès JARECKIMadame Agnès JARECKI
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 14/02/1939 - 03/08/2024
Photo 833882Madame Georgette VANDEVILLEMadame Georgette VANDEVILLE
of Fontaine-l'Evêque (6140, Belgium)
+ 27/06/1931 - 02/08/2024
Photo 833583Monsieur Yvon ZANELLAMonsieur Yvon ZANELLA
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 03/08/1937 - 30/07/2024
Photo 833207Monsieur Robert COBUTMonsieur Robert COBUT
of Carnières (7141, Belgium)
+ 29/07/1932 - 28/07/2024
Photo 832515Monsieur André BURGEONMonsieur André BURGEON
of Morlanwelz (7140, Belgium)
+ 13/10/1942 - 22/07/2024
Photo 831534Madame Edith GILBERTMadame Edith GILBERT
of Trazegnies (6183, Belgium)
+ 05/07/1931 - 15/07/2024
Photo 830362Madame Béatrice DUFRANEMadame Béatrice DUFRANE
of Leval-Trahegnies (7134, Belgium)
+ 07/11/1959 - 08/07/2024
Photo 830335Madame Suzanne HECQMadame Suzanne HECQ
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 11/04/1927 - 05/07/2024
Photo 829694Madame Josiane CONREURMadame Josiane CONREUR
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 13/07/1949 - 02/07/2024
Photo 829373Monsieur André LOTERMANMonsieur André LOTERMAN
of Forchies-la-Marche (6141, Belgium)
+ 28/08/1954 - 01/07/2024
Photo 828931Monsieur Jean DELSARTEMonsieur Jean DELSARTE
of Carnières (7141, Belgium)
+ 31/07/1938 - 27/06/2024
Photo 828258Madame Lucienne DENISMadame Lucienne DENIS
of Anderlues (6150, Belgium)
+ 04/09/1926 - 23/06/2024