Pompes Funèbres CHRISTIANE

Rue Célestin Hastir, 67
5150    Floreffe (Belgium)

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Photo 848191Monsieur Guy FLAHAUXMonsieur Guy FLAHAUX
of Bois-de-Villers (5170, Belgium)
+ 21/07/1945 - 08/11/2024
Photo 843904Monsieur Philippe LAMBIONMonsieur Philippe LAMBION
of Saint-Gérard (5640, Belgium)
+ 19/10/1959 - 10/10/2024
Photo 834334Madame Emilia DELIMOYMadame Emilia DELIMOY
of Profondeville (5170, Belgium)
+ 02/08/1936 - 04/08/2024
Photo 827876Monsieur Alain MICHELMonsieur Alain MICHEL
of Floreffe (5150, Belgium)
+ 24/05/1953 - 19/06/2024
Photo 827526Monsieur Michaël DE GEETERMonsieur Michaël DE GEETER
of Brussel (Neder-Over-Heembeek) (1120, Belgium)
+ 08/01/1975 - 17/06/2024
Photo 827186Monsieur Patrice VANBERGENMonsieur Patrice VANBERGEN
of Bois-de-Villers (5170, Belgium)
+ 07/11/1950 - 13/06/2024
Photo 821902Madame Nicolle FAUCHETMadame Nicolle FAUCHET
of Fosses-la-Ville (5070, Belgium)
+ 04/05/1944 - 10/05/2024