Centre Funéraire Dubois & Tanier

Chaussée de Tirlemont, 91/1 - 4520 Wanze
4520    Wanze (Belgium)

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Photo 842969Monsieur Roger RIHONMonsieur Roger RIHON
of Wanzoul (4520, Belgium)
+ 05/09/1951 - 05/10/2024
Photo 836816Monsieur Jean SERVOTTEMonsieur Jean SERVOTTE
of Outrelouxhe (4577, Belgium)
+ 30/03/1933 - 23/08/2024
Photo 835673Madame Odette LECRENIERMadame Odette LECRENIER
of Outrelouxhe (4577, Belgium)
+ 12/10/1955 - 14/08/2024
Photo 835283Madame Linda BERGERMadame Linda BERGER
of Ben-Ahin (4500, Belgium)
+ 12/06/1951 - 09/08/2024
Photo 834154Monsieur Louis COPMonsieur Louis COP
of Villers-le-Temple (4550, Belgium)
+ 18/10/1958 - 04/08/2024