Madame Marie-Dominique MAUGET geboren MÉTIVIER

Photo 350709
Woonachtig te Le Mans (72000, Frankrijk)
Geboren te Saumur (49400, Frankrijk) op zondag 8 september 1957
Overleden te Le Mans (72000, Frankrijk) op donderdag 9 april 2015 op 57 jarige leeftijd
Echtgenote van Monsieur Jean-Charles MAUGET

Espace condoléances 

Deze rouwbeklagruimte werd aangemaakt de maandag 13 april 2015.

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I write in English. French is too difficult at the moment.
Today I visited a little town in England called Watchet. I was reminded of a family I met there around 1974. The Metivier family. I stayed with them for some time in 1977. Over time we lost touch.
When I got back home I decided to search for "Marie Dominique Metivier" I was shocked and saddened to see the announcement of her death last year.
I want to pass on my belated condolences and say I have many happy memories of "Marie-Do" If anyone wishes to get in touch with me I would be very happy for them to contact me.

Richard Gosling- 23/05/2016