New death notifications

If you want to receive new death notifications by email.

  1. Fill in personal data.
  2. Enter email address to use for notification of new death announcements.
  3. Select method:
  4. By Undertaker, to receive new death notifications from one or more undertakers.
  5. By City, to receive new death notifications related to one or more cities.
  6. By Region, to receive new death notifications related to one or more regions.
Contact data
Entrez le nom de famille.
Entrez le prénom.
Adresse email
Enter your email address. It will be used to send you new death notifications.
Code alphanumérique
Entrez dans la zone de saisie le texte qui apparait dans l'image. Cette procédure a pour but d'éviter l'usage abusif de ce formulaire.
Selection method

Please select method to be used as criteria to receive new death notifications.
Personal notification area
Pour définir une zone personnalisée, ajoutez des Entreprises de pompes funèbres en cliquant sur le bouton Ajouter.

Pour enlever des Entreprises de pompes funèbres, sélectionnez la ou les Entreprises de pompes funèbres et cliquez sur le bouton supprimer.

Pour sélectionner plusieurs Entreprises de pompes funèbres, maintenez la touche <Ctrl> enfoncée lors de la sélection.
Personal notification area
To define a personalised area, add regions by clicking on the Add button.

To remove regions, select the region or regions and click on the Delete button.

To select several regions, keep the button pressed while selecting.
Personal notification area
To define a personal area, add cities by using the Add button.

To remove a city, select and click on the Delete button.

To select several cities, hold during selection.